Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's a Wonderful Saturday Inservice

This past weekend I flew back to Bethel for my 2nd of 5 fly-in Saturday inservices. I've yet to meet a teacher who likes inservices. Across the profession, people harbor various levels of hatred for an inservice.

As I sat there I started to ponder on what life would be like if this inservice had never been mandated. With my mind's eye I saw myself wandering the icy boardwalks of Chefornak, alone and cold, taking with me only the small comfort of anticipation of a can of Nalley chili that awaited me upon return to my quarters. Afterwards I came to realize that I was glad to be at inservice instead of in that sad little daydream. It got me a free trip in to Bethel, where I got to (briefly) see friends. We had a nice lunch served. I was learning a few new tricks, and besides...I would have been working on Saturday anyways.

At about the time I came to this acceptance of the inservice, I really was perturbed by what took place before me. The presenter was showing us how to use an online resource that brought forth myriad teaching materials, and a lot technical things that would relate directly to what I teach. But, I don't know how to use it, or really what the presenter said at all. That is because 2/3 of the people in the room were getting up and leaving to go catch their planes (which were on weather hold anyways.) And, they were talking about all of their plans and griping about the weather hold, worrying aloud about how they would get back home. All while somebody gave a presentation. I've seen teachers display the undesirable characteristics of their classes in the past, but this took the cake. It's one thing to hate inservice, and another to be plain rude about it. I'll bet Jimmy Stewart would agree.

I had a nice flight back to CYF. It was clear and sunny and crisp outside. From the air, the tundra looked like a black and white painting done by a lunatic. It was very easy to tell from looking which direction the winds blew last Wednesday.

I snapped a couple pictures of the awesome color spectrum that comes from a good sunset here. The bump on the horizon is Tern Mountain, which I am hoping to take a trip out to while I'm here.

Have a nice week, everybody. And for the folks back home...It is only 2 weeks before I get to come visit!! I am so excited to get to see you all soon. Especially the newest addition to the youngest nephew Evan, born this past Monday morning.


Erin said...

Hey Mr. Rendall! Congrats on the new nephew (and congrats to Brian's sister when she reads this!).

I love those pictures. The sunsets here are amazing. Too bad they are happening now while I'm still at work.

See you SOON!

Kale Iverson said...


Inservice woes are part of the first year experience, and another part is having to deal with the "complainers." Sometimes when I come in I get a twitch over how sick I get having to listen to people bitch about life. I'm no different but I wait till I'm with friends like you or Erin to do my bitching, what I'm saying is bitch among friends right?

Wish I could have made it in for turkey lurkey doo but alas I was hibernating.

Any chance of making your blog list someday?

Have a good end of the year pardner

Mom said...

Beautiful pictures Brian! We are anxious to see you. I'll have alot of your favorite foods...plenty of beef roast, potatoes and gravy and of course Norwegian meatballs. We are having our first major snowstorm. Right now freezing rain/snow mix turning to all snow with a total of a possible 9" by the end of tomorrow. I'm hoping schools are closed and I can take advantage of an extra day off. Mom